Homework & Book Bags
Reading and Book Bags
Mandeville loves reading!
At Mandeville we love reading and encourage children and parents / carers to read every day. The impact it can have on the development of your child’s imagination, ideas and their knowledge and understanding of the world is huge! We all know that if children read at home, they will be successful learners at school.
Nursery to Year 2
All children at Mandeville are given the opportunity to select two books at their reading level. Book bags should be brought into school on the day specified by their teacher so that books can be changed each week. We always welcome feedback about your child’s reading experiences at home so please use the home reading booklet to communicate with the teacher about your child’s home reading.
Year 3 to Year 6
When your child is ready (sometimes from Y2), they will start to bring home an Accelerated Reader book of their choice at their reading level. When they return it, they have the opportunity to quiz their knowledge of the book on an IPad at school. They will foster a love of reading as they experience an ever increasing range of books, learn and develop a rich vocabulary, and improve their comprehension skills.
Children are taught spellings at school and are encouraged to learn their list of spellings at home. All the spellings are uploaded onto this page of the school website so you can support your child at home. Please see PDFs below.
At Mandeville we know how vital maths is to our educational success and to our daily lives and we encourage children to practice some form of maths at home every day. From Nursery, this can take the form of counting different objects, steps or claps, both forwards and backwards. Children in Reception need to start recognising numbers, for example on buses and doors and continue counting both forwards and backwards and practise connecting the number of certain objects to the written number.
Children from year 1 to Year 6 have individual Mathletics logins that allow them to access Mathletics from home (see more about Mathletics on the Maths page in our Teaching & Learning section). Children can practise their fluency skills with Mathletics live and deepen their understanding through completing the activities, playing the games and watching videos related to specific areas of maths that are all available on Mathletics. Teachers in KS2 (years 3 - 6) set work for children to do on Mathletics every two weeks. Children are encouraged to use Mathletics for a minimum of 20 mins, 5 times a week.
Maths Fluency
Children's fluency in number facts if vital to their overall confidence and achievement in maths and any practice carried out at home will improve this. Fluency in the addition and subtraction of small numbers, times tables facts and their related divisions should be practised, either verbally or in writing, on a daily basis. Teachers provide weekly fluency practice for children from Years 1 to 6.