Mandeville graded OUTSTANDING by OFSTED!
We have just received the final Ofsted report from our recent inspection which took place in February 2024 and are very proud to announce that Mandeville has been graded Outstanding in all areas.
The feedback from the four inspectors, who were in school for two days, was unanimously positive and they saw with their own eyes how amazing the Mandeville school community is. Most of all, the children blew them away with their love of learning, their kindness and caring behaviour to each other. “Pupils are very respectful and considerate. They are safe here. They are highly engaged in their learning.” OFSTED 2024
The exemplary empowerment curriculum that has been developed across our three LEAP schools and is written and adapted by our highly skilled teachers, greatly impressed the inspectors. “The school has designed a very ambitious curriculum, which at times goes beyond the expectations of the national curriculum. For example, in art, the curriculum gradually builds’ pupils knowledge of many artistic movements, such as impressionism, post-impressionism and expressionism over time.” OFSTED 2024
The quality of all the experiences we give our children is consistently high with trips, visits and enrichment activities that are over and above the normal offering. “The personal development curriculum is expansive and well organised. Leaders make sure that all pupils participate in these activities.” OFSTED 2024
The teaching of reading impressed inspectors as did the provision for all children including those with additional and special needs. “Leaders also instil a love of reading in children from the beginning of the early years. Teachers read engagingly to all pupils in the school at the end of each day. In Reception, the children enjoy joining in while adults read aloud parts of stories that they have learned.” OFSTED 2024
The enrichment we provide in our well-resourced site also impressed, such as the access to lessons in our very own School of Food “Pupils learn how to grow, prepare and cook food in the school’s ‘school of food’. By the end of Year 6, all pupils have learnt how to cook a meal for themselves. Pupils enjoy looking after the school’s pet chickens, Poppy, Sunflower and Pumpkin, who lay eggs used by the school of food.” OFSTED 2024
Every teacher, staff member, parent, governor, leader and child who have worked so hard to bring Mandeville to be the best of the best should be very proud.
You can find the full Ofsted report uploaded at the bottom of our Ofsted reports page, as a PDF.