Lovely parent quotes
Read some of the lovely things Mandeville parents and their children are saying about our school......
Read some of the lovely things Mandeville parents and their children are saying about our school......
What an amazing and confident performance of th nativity Year 1 put on, last Friday....
Mandeville's art project shown to world leaders this week at the UN Regional Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction in Montenegro.
Mandeville was buzzing with excitement to have been chosen as the site for the launch of Tesco's new national campaign.....
Our Nursery and Reception classes loved welcoming parents to join them for a session in the classroom......
We have just received the final Ofsted report from our recent inspection which took place in February 2024 and are very proud to announce that Mandeville has been graded Outstanding in all areas.
Mandeville are named South East Regional Primary dance champions!
Find out about Year 6's wonderful trip to the Southbank Centre for a preview of the Art Makes People Powerful installation and a visit to the Hayward Gallery's modern sculpture exhibition.....
On Tuesday last week, parents and carers of year 2 and 3 children came to our Ready, Steady, Read session.
Our fantastic steel pans group were recently invited to perform with others at the first Hackney Steel pans festival.....
We have received a letter of congratulations from Hackney's Director of Education...
Are you looking for a Nursery or Reception place? Come and join one of our Teddy Bear's Picnic dates and take a tour of our Nursery and Reception classes